The Alkaline Electric Vegan Diet
Differences between the Vegan Diet, the Whole Food Plant-Based Diet, the Alkaline Vegan Diet and the Alkaline Electric Vegan Diet
A vegan does not consume any animal or dairy products or bi products resulting from Animal cruelty or slaughter. Vegans are mostly concerned with animal welfare and the environment. A vegan diet is completely plant-based. A vegan diet however is not always very healthy. They may consume sugar and processed foods.
The WFPB (Whole Food, Plant-Based Diet) diet excludes all animal and dairy products, eggs, highly refined grain products, foods containing added sugars or artificially sweeteners and oil. It also calls for an elimination of foods that contain added fats. They make everything from scratch.
Alkaline vegans focus on the body's PH balance. They do not consume any animals or dairy products as well as any bi products of animal slaughter or cruelty. Alkaline vegans try to abstain from any processed foods, sugars, alcohol. May eat alkaline foods that may be hybrid or genetically modified.
Alkaline Electric Vegans also referred to as Sebians. Follow the methodology of Dr. Sebi. They focus on the body's balanced PH. They do not consume any animal or dairy products as well as any bi products of animal slaughter or cruelty. They do not eat any hybrid or genetically modified fruits, vegetables or grains. They try to abstain from any processed foods, sugars, alcohol and pharmaceuticals. They only eat from Dr. Sebi’s nutritional guide and use herbs for healing.